BumpStop Road

Thank you. Our amazing journey has come to an end.

When we took BumpStop.com to the road in 1996 to find the "Coolest Rides on the Net!", we never imagined what kind of trip it would entail.

Our virtual car show exhibited the passion owners had for their rides from all over the world. Whether you were a high-schooler wrenching away at your $200 jalopy or a millionaire with a barn full of collectibles, we were all on the same page.

We traded broken-knuckle stories, shared technical insights, sold cars and even recovered a few cars with your help along the way.

Over twenty years later, we still run into some of you at various cars shows sporting our BumpStop.com t-shirts and stickers. That makes us smile.

To all the car enthusiasts and fans….thank you for the most memorable car show ever!

— BumpStop Staff


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Final Oil Change - March 25, 2025